Since we were born, we were arranged to attend different ceremonies: birth ceremony, graduation ceremony, wedding ceremony…… and in the end, the funeral. If we could attend our own funeral when we are still alive, what would it be like?
Funeral for the Living has been performed in different countries. Here Fringe presents the version directed by Daisuke Sagawa, which is acclaimed as the greatest one.
Director: Daisuke Sagawa
Playwright: Philip Chan
Performers: Kenta Konno, Kosuke Tanihara, Masato Aoki , Misaki Mitsuishi, Taeko Yakabe, Junpei Matsunami and Takuya Haname
Performed in Japanese, with surtitles in Chinese
Duration: approximately 1 hour, no interval

Kenta Konno

Kosuke Tanihara

Masato Aoki

Misaki Mitsuishi

Taeko Yakabe

Junpei Matsunami

Takuya Haname